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          Je m'appelle Lydia , 

I was born on February 14, 1987 in Toulouse.  I have always seen what is called "Prana" (Chi/Qi/Energy), but I thought I simply had "dizziness". 

It took me a while, but I ended up understanding my DNA, I'm here to make people breathe, it's my contribution to the world. I who spent 15 years under water, voluntarily deprived of oxygen (French champion of artistic / synchronized swimming) I had not understood that my transformation came from what was most natural for me: BREATHE!!!_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

My journey is strewn with 360° turns.

High-level sport, scientific basis, training in many fields, very varied professional experiences.  My CV gives the impression that I already have several lives in this incarnation. In the end, whatever my occupation, the observation is clear, I spend my time guiding people, supporting them to get better, explaining to them how I do to move forward despite  les pitfalls . I am not a guru, I dissuade from believing myself, I advise to experiment by oneself. 

My wounds have been violent, and I am not immune to a new spicy adventure. I'm grateful for the spicy gifts I've found along the way. I accepted to face my fears, to welcome  my shadows, to grow in my vulnerability to become authentic with myself.

Everything is said in my first names. In the language of the Birds (the language of the Alchemists), 

Lydia: "Lie_Dis_à", "transmit to others through the link" _ Coralie: "Corps_à_Lie", "link the soul to the body"

My Human Design is Splenic Projector  martyr investigator, my Aura is a scanner, I am here to guide others.

In Numerology my life path is 5, Freedom is my core value.

In Zodiac Astrology, I am Aquarius, the visionary  (ascendant in Gemini, Lunar in Virgo) 

In Mayan Astrology, I am 13 Tijax, the Flint , my super power is to remove excess.

I have often been associated with Yemanja, Goddess of the Sea and mother of nature spirits.

In Native American Astrology, I come from the Otter, I let myself be carried by the flow.

My 9 Animal Totems (those that accompany me) The most common is the Orc, its medicine is the healing song. There is also the Dolphin, his medicine is the energy of the breath of life! The  serpent helps me anchor, the beluga sings loudly, the manta ray is the queen of vulnerability, the panda for carelessness and play , the big blue whale for cosmic memory, the dragon breathes the magic of inner fire and the seal for its temerity is also the emblem   of the Selkie. 

My Power Animal (what I am in my essence) is the Phoenix, the one who is reborn indefinitely from his ashes because he agrees to let the obsolete die.


In short  : "adapting to a sick society is not a sign of good mental health" (Einstein), "they didn't know it was impossible so they did it " (Mark Twain),  "I Sing Life, I Dance Life, I Say Thanks to Life" (Otis the scribe), "Stay Focus On The Road" (Mooji), "Laughter is the music of the Soul" (Amma), "It's not what I tell you that hurts you, it's your own inner wounds that react when touched by my words" (Don Miguel Ruiz), "Dark energy does not exist, it is the collapse of the vacuum on itself" (Nassim Haramein), " Magic is only a science which has not yet been put into equations" (Stefan Wul), "Music is the purr of the soul" (François de Witt).

I learned (and I still learn every day) scientific, alchemical, energetic, psychological, emotional, relational, quantum, shamanic, physiological tools  ... _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_First for myself, to accept matter, to assimilate that everything is already just and perfect, to feel the gratitude of the moment that is Life. Journey with peace, joy and serenity. 

I first learned to dive into my own abyss to find my keys, now I accompany with my tools to guide others towards self-healing, because what makes me vibrate is to purr the souls. 

My name is Lydia and I can help you BREATHE LIFE.


Oups, HOP LA Jolly jumper, je m'emballe!

Je suis déjà dans le vif du sujet alors que tu débarques à peine ... Tu t'en remets ? J'ai pleins de choses à te raconter. Mon parcours a réellement été initiatique.

J'ai toujours vu ce qu'on appelle le "Prana" (Chi/Qi/Energie), mais je pensais que j'avais simplement des "vertiges". A la base, je suis sportive de haut niveau et scientifique. Championne de France de Natation Synchronisée, entraîneur, étudiante en pharmacie, devenue chef comptable car j'étais en désaccord avec les lobbies, puis vendeuse, puis manager, assistante dentaire, chef d'entreprise. J'ai enchaîné les dépressions, burn out et virages à 360°. Tant que je refusais de faire tomber l'armure et d'assumer ma vulnérabilité, je luttais contre moi-même. 

J'explore mes profondeurs depuis 2010. Sur le papier j'avais tout pour être heureuse : l'amour, les responsabilités, la stabilité et la reconnaissance. Pourtant, je me souviens encore de cette envie de mourir, encore, à nouveau. La dernière fois que j'avais ressenti ça, j'étais passée à l'action, mais j'avais de "bonnes raisons"! Là, tout allait bien dans ma vie, alors pourquoi cette sensation ?!

=>"Est-ce-que tu t'aimes? _ Non". WOW ! ça a été le déclencheur d'un chemin profond dans mes abysses. Il fallait que je trouve le moyen d'aimer ma vie, mon incarnation et surtout moi-même. Quels que soient les outils que j'ai appris, ma clé s'est dévoilée dans ma sincère VULNERABILITE. Là où l'effort le plus difficile est de n'en faire aucun. J'ai appris à assumer mon incohérence pour révéler ma résonance. 

Depuis, j'adore ma vie et j'accompagne ceux qui le demandent, à retrouver l'équilibre au milieu du chaos. Libérer les traumas et les tabous. J'ai appris (et j'apprend encore tout les jours) des outils scientifiques, alchimiques, énergétiques, psychologiques, émotionnels, quantiques, chamaniques, physiologiques, cognitifs, hormonaux, neurologiques, relationnels, physiques, sportifs ...  


Ce qui me fait vibrer c'est de faire ronronner les âmes. Je m'appelle Lydia et si tu es prêt.e à plonger, je peux t'aider à RESPIRER LA VIE.

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