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Welcome to my Guestbook 

I sent my explorers a survey back from their adventures.

Where do these people know me from? What are their experiences with me?

What did it get them next?  If they were to tell a friend about me, what would they say?_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The images scrolling below are those sent by these adventurers of the Self ^^

Here are their feedback... 

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Dominique  _  Plongeon 


"_ (The first time was) A friend had been to do a treatment at her place, I immediately felt what he was saying to me about the treatment when he came back, and what he emanated from him that it was very powerful and beneficial, I didn't hesitate for a second, I asked for his mobile number and I made an appointment!


_ (the treatment) This experience is not "recountable" as it is rich, intense and surprising. We feel that we are really at work, and that Lydia knows exactly what she is doing. I let myself be completely guided, doing everything she suggested to me without asking me any questions, simply making sure to be perfectly in my feelings and expressing them exactly as they came without any censorship, any, and I can say that I weigh my words, Lydia can accept Everything, because it's part of the job... The more we "authorize" ourselves, the easier it is for her, the more we advance. Moments of bliss follow moments of pain, heartbreak, appeasement, cleansing, I'm not going to quote you the whole palette, that would take too long... It took off dry!


_ (subsequently)   There is a before Lydia and an after, we are no longer the same, we took a quantum leap and what was released was something no one until then, and I have worked with extremely powerful people, was not able to search, because Lydia will search in the body how to free the soul... By all means, whatever the blockages.. .She has so many strings to her bow...that's rare...


_ (an advice)   Awesome, go for it! What are you waiting for? You still there?


_ Thank you for all this Love.... 

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Nathalie  _  Diving 


" _ (The first time was) I met Lydia thanks to my cousin who previously experienced a dive as well

_ (treatment) I felt comfortable and safe in the space provided by Lydia. I loved the taste of cocoa and the ceremony to meet mama cacao. I also liked the music and the different instruments used to send vibrations back. It was difficult for me to allow myself to be me and express it (singing, shouting) as well as looking at myself in the mirror. And I succeeded by following Lydia.


_ (subsequently)   I was high all day and felt great. Subsequently, I put the actions in place to go towards what inspires me (training myself to be a sex coach, making my drum, ethology training, QI gong lessons) and I put attention on drink, open my mouth and breathe.


_ (an advice)   It's an experience to live if you want to reconnect with yourself

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Sofia  _  Diving 


" _ (The first time was) I met Lydia during a treatment strongly recommended by those around me

_ (the treatment) My experience was incredible, Lydia is a gentle person, attentive and who knows how to put you at ease. Throughout the treatment, Lydia was able to accompany me at all times. The most beautiful moment is when she knew how to bring out the woman hidden in me and helped me free my voice. I experienced this moment as my own childbirth. It was crazy I still don't realize.

_ (an advice)   To go there with your eyes closed, and prepare to experience a fabulous expression, far   from the world and time, _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to meet Self. 

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Amandine  _  Diving


" _ I came across a business card "by chance" in a restaurant. My gaze was challenged. I treasured this card giving off a beautiful energy, and I contacted him when I felt the time had come. . 


_ The first meeting with Lydia was surprising because of its simplicity and fluidity. In the first moments it was very complicated and trying to say things, knotted throat and oppression. But her sparkling, wise gaze got the better of my inner resistance. Lydia then guided me in a mediation to meet my spark of life, and even further, in the depths of my soul, until I saw what I did not understand at the time, well beyond the little earthly self...


_ A wonderful first experience, which took on its full meaning several months later. Lydia had paved the way... The voice of my soul 💜 A year later, a new experience was just as magnificent and memorable. Lydia offered me an improvised song with her siren voice. Incredibly beautiful and pure. Out of time. A song that woke up some parts of my sleeping being... I still remember this moment #commealamaison🧜


_ Ly-di-a is literally a messenger. A guide overflowing with love, joy and quiet strength.


_ Simply thank you for embodying your mission. To always be present even from afar 🤗"

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Sandy  _  Workshop / Diving / Baptism / Teaching


"_ (the first time) It was at his workshop, in my cellar!


_ Lydia mixes both the strength and the accuracy of care, everything is perfect, and it rocks.


_ Unlocking stages of life, it helps to move to the next level in spiritual and personal development.


_ Workshops rich in sharing with the group, intense and very rewarding.


_ Group work is really powerful, connection to others, to the universe.


_ This is the most perched girl I know.


_ I love you, I love myself. and it's going to be blood sausage!!!!" 

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Gilles  _  Workshop / Internship / Diving


" _ (the first time) It was in her pretty store of products all better than the others / tea room / den of magicians...


_ What remains to me of the experience of the big drum is the "deaf" counting that it operated in me... it cleared away the biggest... the most cumbersome... the heaviest. .. Then Lydia refined with the crystal... finer... more crystalline... She finished the job with the sword... damn sharper... more precise... more incisive... No "difficult" moment... rather strata "affected" one after the other... cleaned... even purified... good job!


_ This somewhat distant experience (in a group) for me, in a small committee, leaves me with a joyful and light memory...


_ Difficult to say what my life path is due to... as much as I can say my feelings of an experience... as much as I can say that EVERYTHING is a pretext for me for an inner journey... suddenly I live states of grace for things that some would find insignificant... so...


_ (to a friend) Ah well that... when I came back from the experience of the giant drum, I don't really know in what state of extreme serenity I was when a neighbor greeted me on my arrival at me... what is certain is that she asked for Lydia's telephone number in the minutes that followed and she made an appointment the same day or almost... The idea is that Lydia is made to accompany... it's his job... between the joy, the serenity, the flow that inhabit him... and the pleiad   of tools at his disposal... her accompaniment can be precious to cross caps, gaps, levels... or to clean up what allows access to the new in oneself... a girl of the present she is... of the present moment... ...I even suspect that soon, unless it's already there...she will soon accompany us to work with our joyful future selves to guide us through the present...


_ I like what you are dear magician...;-)  "

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Noémie  _  Diving

"_ She's part of my family, she's my cousin


_ I would say that the most pleasant moment is the relief after, after confiding in each other, after saying everything that was on your heart and what you needed to get out


_ Subsequently, I noticed a more marked positivity, a more intense joie de vivre than before and a more developed understanding of the people around me.


_ I would tell her that Lydia is very attentive and does not judge in any way, she remains neutral and does everything possible to help you get better " 

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Jeremy  _  Workshop/Plongeon_cc781905-94518bbb5bad-3


"_ (first meeting) At an internship, by Anna


_ The group workshop was a trigger, I came out of there I was really not well inside with back pain


_ The workshop allowed me to discuss with Lydia and Anna who directed me towards new things, after this workshop I made an appointment with Lydia because I needed a deeper work and that was beneficial


_ I was a little apprehensive, it was quite a strong experience, difficult at the beginning but pleasant at the end, I left my appointment I felt completely different


_ I notice that after my appointment with Lydia several of my blockages have been released, I feel deep inside that the work is being done little by little but there is progress every day, I know that I still have a long way to go but I'm on the right track thanks to Lydia


_ (to a friend) That he is a very positive and very comforting person, very pleasant with a smile that feels good


_ This experience with you brought me a lot, I plan to resume an appointment with you in a while when I feel the need but for the moment I let things happen on their own "

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Aude  _  Plongeon_cc781905-5c6d43-bb3b-5195bad-cf58d_


" _ My sister, my family, my solar twin


_ What was difficult: Learn to face your inner monsters and then agree to let them go. What was pleasant: Crying with joy (after the intense, not very comfortable crying) for having approached a little more of your true Self by having removed the superfluous


_ Since then, I align myself, I anchor myself, I Am, I understand myself, others, I welcome what Is


_ I can't tell you, I intend to let others discover you for themselves. (It's gonna suck, and you're gonna love it)


_ it shines in our lives "

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Marie Aurélie  _  Diving / Workshop


" _ (The first time was) the group on the feminine! 


_ (individual treatment) Liberating so nice to conclude, there was a lot of crying to let go so at times it was not easy but I was prepared so it was still done gently for me!


_ (individual suite)   I have more awareness I notice a lot of repetitive pattern in me, I started to sing and better understand my incarnation here on earth


_ (group)   Pleasant, I find that the energy of the group carries. For my part, there is always a moment when I am still completely in my bubble and the group no longer exists!


_ (group continued) I wanted to move forward more to look further into myself, I also have a lot of understanding of my relationships with men.


_ (Lydia)   A hard-hitting person capable of guiding towards the path of his soul.


_ 😘

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Vanessa  _  Diving


" _ (The first time was) Via a friend


_ (treatment) Enlightening and unblocking moment. Obviously not easy at the moment with evacuated emotions...


_ (later)  A breakup in progress! But well lived for the moment!


_ (Lydia)   Authentic, sensitive, caring and turquoise 😅

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(The next testimonials will be published as they come soon  _ until everyone answers my survey ^^ in the meantime, I invite you to Breathe Life)

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